- Second Section Percussion
We have added photographs of the tubular bells to our document listing the percussion being provided for the second section, which may be downloaded here.
- Brian Eggleshaw
The Midland Area Brass Band Championships Committee is sad to hear of the death today (23rd February) of Brian Eggleshaw. Brian was a long serving member of the Committee, having been Secretary for many years, before moving to Skegness. Our thoughts are with Jane and his family at difficult time.
- Second Section Percussion
A Triangle on a Stand is now being provided with the second second percussion. The full list of percussion being provided for the second section may be downloaded here.
- Final Information & Percussion and Borrowed Player Forms
Final Information To Bands: All the information you should need for the Contest is included here.
Percussion Plan: please complete this form and make sure whoever is doing your draw brings a completed copy to Contest Control when we do your draw.
Borrowed Players (3rd & 4th Section Bands only): if you intend to borrow players, please complete this form in full and return it to Lesley Bentley by Friday 28th February.
- Provided Percussion